We exist to build a vibrant, inclusive democracy that puts power in the hands of the people

You will need a photo ID to vote at the polling station on July 4th.

Check that you have an accepted form of photo ID.

To get the free Voter Authority Certificate, you'll need to apply by 5pm on 26th June.

It’s clear that our broken political system is having a disastrous impact on our country’s ability to tackle the problems of now and the future.

Both Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer have admitted that our political system isn’t working, but neither of them has stepped forward with the reform plan our politics needs.

This General Election is OUR chance to put political reform firmly on the agenda.

We need a fairer voting system, a new second chamber, more devolution, and safeguards against corruption and cronyism.


There is a growing consensus that English governance is over-centralised, and that more-or-less radical devolution is required. The possibility of a new government in 2024 creates a unique opening and new impetus for a radical devolutionary settlement in England.

Power to the People?, a new report from Compass and Unlock Democracy, assesses five proposals that could provide inspiration and guidance for an incoming government.


Electoral registers are the bedrock of electoral and democratic processes. They are the definitive list of who can vote in an election.

This new report sets out how reforms to the electoral registration process can increase the number of citizens on the electoral register for a stronger democracy.

Toby S. James is Professor of Politics and Public Policy at the University of East Anglia.

This is a report commissioned by Unlock Democracy, and funded by the UK Democracy Fund.

Woman holding a "We demand democracy" sign infront of the London Eye

We can’t take our
democracy for granted

This is the most important time in Unlock Democracy’s history.

We have a government, elected on a minority of votes, that's using its power to undermine our democracy.

They seem determined to undermine accountability, centralise power and attack our democratic institutions. They're doing this to increase their hold on power.

Unlock Democracy are fighting to defend our democracy from this unprecedented attack.

Join us today and, with your support, we will work to build a vibrant, inclusive democracy in our country.


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We are a democratic organisation. Our members elect our Council which sets our organisational strategy. You can join today for as little as £1 a month.


We can’t defend our democracy without the support of our donors. Every pound you give helps us grow our campaigns to build a vibrant, inclusive democracy.

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