Unlock Democracy

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Accounts 2012

Income from 1st April 2011 to 31st March 2012

  • Individual

  • Grants

  • Commercial

  • Legacies

We raised just under 40% of our income in this way in the 2011/2012 financial year. Our income also comes from grants (25%), commercial income, including Rodell Properties Ltd (24%) and legacies (11%).

Unlock Democracy has been generously supported in the last year by donations from our members and grants from trusts which enable us to continue our ambitious campaigns.

Our largest single type of source of income is individual contributions.  We raised just under 40% of our income in this way in the 2011/2012 financial year.  Our income also comes from grants (25%), commercial income, including Rodell Properties Ltd (24%) and legacies (11%).


In the 2011/2012 financial year we gratefully received almost £94,000 in grant income. So far in this financial year we have been awarded grants totalling over £130,000. For their kind support of our work, we thank the City Bridge Trust, the Esmee Fairburn Foundation, the EU’s Grundtvig programme, the James Madison Trust, the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust and the Poverty and Environment Trust.


We have been generously supported by members leaving us a legacy in their will. In the last financial year from, we received £50,000 in legacies and £40,000 so far this financial year. We are particularly grateful to Dr Annette Rawson OBE and Norman Alfred Arnold for their support.  If you would like more information about legacies please contact the office.


In the financial year 2011/2012 we spent over £480,000. The full audited accounts will be available from October 2012. Our accounts are audited by Chantrey Vellacott.

We extend our heartfelt thanks for this year’s vital contributions to our fight for a fairer democracy. Whether the donation is £10 or £10,000, we are extremely grateful for all our support.