Unlock Democracy

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Margaret Nelmes

Why I am applying for election to Council

I am deeply concerned that our democracy in the UK is unfit for purpose and I am committed to trying to fix it.

The IPPR's new study Road to Renewal, finds that 94% of voters believe that they are not the main influencers of policy makers, but 25% believe that major donors are, 16% say business groups and corporations, 13% think papers and the media, and 12% lobbyists and pressure groups.

Dissatisfaction with our democratic system is strongest among young people aged 18 to 24, the study reveals. The symptoms are fewer people voting and joining political parties, and more people supporting populist parties of the far right and far left.

In her meticulously researched book 'Putin's People', Catherine Belton describes how Putin and his former KGB cronies are using dirty money to covertly finance populist governments across Europe in order to undermine our democracies. In the recent French presidential elections, two populist party candidates known to be financed by Russia, challenged Macron for leadership. And in the United States, Russian influence in the presidential elections brought populist Donald Trump to power, and could do so again.

I believe that our broken democracy in the UK leaves us especially vulnerable to malignant influences like this.

I believe we need to reengage people in politics by giving them back control. We need a fair voting system. reform of the House of Lords, citizens' assemblies, greater transparency and accountability in public office. MPs should not spend more than perhaps 15 hours a week doing a second job, and only if strictly necessary to maintain their skills, nor be paid to sit on company boards. Ministers and civil servants should not be allowed to conduct government business via social media, which leaves no trace.

As an active supporter and member of Unlock Democracy, I have campaigned against the excesses of the Police and Crime and Elections Bills, signing petitions, emailing my MP, writing to members of the House of Lords, sending letters to the press and getting some published. I now wish to be involved in helping to steer Unlock Democracy's course at this crucial time.

Personal skills

  • Creative thinking

  • Adaptability

  • Problem-solving

  • Team working

  • Working independently

  • Writing plans, reports, press releases

Campaigns I have organised

  • Plastics Challenge for the IW Green Party (2016)

  • Palm Oil Challenge for the IW Green Party (2017)

  • Wild Gardens Challenge for Ventnor Town Council (2022)

Management Committees I have served on

  • IW Natural History & Archaeological Society - as Programme Secretary, running meetings, leading walks and organising coach trips (2011 - )

  • Don't Drill the Wight - our public awareness campaign resulted in thousands of written objections and

  • the unanimous rejection of the oil company's planning application by the IW Council. (2017 - )

  • Age UK IW's Older People's Steering Group, working with staff members on Age Friendly projects (2019 - )

  • Wight Nature Fund - helping to manage one of the nature reserves until the charitable trust was wound up (2012 - 2021)