Unlock Democracy

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Sam Wheeler

I am a trade union shop steward and LGBTQ+ campaigner based in Manchester. I am standing for Council as I believe that I can bring a fresh viewpoint and skill set to our organisation. While pushing for necessary and urgent reforms in the way our election systems work, Unlock Democracy should also be looking further, to expand democratic decision-making throughout civil society. 

Many of the out-dated restrictions on democratic action; a ban on electronic balloting, not allowing preferential voting, limits on campaigning and free speech continue to be in place on trade unions. Any major constitutional reform must, as it did in European countries after WWII, also consider the role of working people and their organisations in a new political economy.

We should also build on the diversity of our membership, reflecting the breadth of society. As an LGBTQ+ person I know how important the hard fought privileges we have within society are, and how easily current governments, elected on a minority of the voters, can take them away. 

With a new government expected we have the opportunity to be at the heart of the conversation as we push for new and better ways of running our country, devolving power and embedding democracy at all levels. I want to be a part of that conversation on the Council and hope that you will lend me your support.