Unlock Democracy

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Vicky Seddon

Currently a member of Unlock Democracy Council, and asking again for your vote 

Involved with Charter 88 and then Unlock  Democracy since 1992; Ex Chair of Unlock  Democracy – stood down 6 years ago;  Coordinator of local group: “Sheffield for  Democracy”  

The last few years have undermined many aspects of our democracy. It has been a worrying time.  Unlock Democracy has identified and challenged many of those issues, and provided alternatives  approaches, which I have supported. 

A primary concern has been to argue for fair and open elections, so that all citizens can express their  opinions. Many people can see how this has been undermined.  

How public decision-making occurs needs to be made transparent, so that citizens can see what is  decided, and the extent to which it reflects public needs.  

It is not clear that the principal of human rights for all is respected. And whether there is  accountability of all elected representatives, and of public and government bodies, is uncertain. 

Personally, I am much concerned about the way that local powers have been undermined by central  government. This is a significant issue that our “Sheffield for Democracy“ group has been focusing  on.  

 I have supported Unlock Democracy’s approaches in 3 significant avenues:  

  1. Demonstrating democratic aspects of other campaigns, whether it is on equalities, climate  change, access to health services, challenging economic deprivation. Our current inadequate  democracy and representation makes it difficult for these campaigns to make progress.  

  2. Unlock Democracy has found ways to work together with many different democracy  organisations, which focus on different aspects of democracy. This strengthens our impact.  

  3. The lack of a written constitution means a failure to protect our democracy. And in particular, the way in which the powers and finances of local government have been undermined. It is one of  the issues I have been raising over years. Some of UD’s publications have been of great  assistance, and In particular, the recent publication “Power to the People: The Route to English  Devolution” has been very helpful:  Power to the people? The route to English Devolution — Unlock Democracy 

And also the previous “Local Government in England: 40-years of Decline”:  Local Government in England - 40 Years of Decline — Unlock Democracy 

Our “Sheffield for Democracy” Group has been helped by this national focus, with the question  of the need for devolution of powers to localities now being in the public domain. If re-elected. I  will continue to urge Unlock Democracy to make this one of their priorities.