Ian Driver

Why am I standing? I am seeking re-election to the council to contribute as best I can to the important work of Unlock. This work is becoming even more important, if not critical.

Many believe that our elected politicians and political parties are self-serving and out of touch with the ordinary folks they are supposed to represent. Many also have little respect or trust in our democratic institutions.

Growing dissatisfaction with democracy is a very dangerous trend which opens the doors to populism, which will itself diminish and ultimately destroy our democratic freedoms, such as they are.

I believe that it is the job of Unlock, along with similar organisations, to reverse this trend and engage many more people in the democratic process.

To bring this about we need radical change. We must be pushing for a voting system which is much fairer than first past the post. Better political education at school. Voting from 16, voting for prisoners. Fairer selection of politicians to reflect the growing diversity of our country. Open primaries to allow the public to choose election candidates. Limits on terms of elected office to put an end to career politicians and to inject new blood into the system. The abolition of the House of Lords and its replacement with a democratically elected second chamber, and a proper written constitution for the country.

I also believe that local, regional and national government should be much more transparent and accountable with greater devolution of power, more public consultation and involvement in decision making, such as citizen juries, and scrutiny panels. Freedom of Information rights must also be extended and strengthened to hold politicians and public bodies to account.

Political Background. I am an independent socialist but have previously been a member of the Labour and Green Parties. I was a parliamentary candidate in 2015, an elected councillor in Southwark and Thanet, a trade union activist and a member of my trade union’s National Executive council.

Campaigning. I am an experienced community campaigner who has been involved in social justice, animal welfare, and environmental campaigns at a local and national level.


Sam Wheeler


Lee Jasper