A picture of three individuals who could lose their vote due to Voter ID.

The Government’s own figures show that 1 in 25 voters do not have an eligible photo ID to vote in elections in England, Wales, and Scotland - that’s over 2 MILLION people who could be barred from polling stations.

In the first test of photo voter ID, at least 14,000 people were blocked from voting in May’s local elections in England. 

But the real figure is much, much higher. The Electoral Commission’s research showed that, of those that didn’t vote, 1 in 25 gave Voter ID as a reason.

But it gets worse. Democracy Volunteers found that over half of those turned away were ‘non-white’ voters.

What happens next?

It is certain that far more eligible voters will be barred from polling stations at the next General Election.

We’re campaigning to drive up awareness of the new requirement, until it is scrapped. You can help do this by taking action today!

We believe even ONE voter blocked by these unnecessary laws is one voter too many.

That’s why we are continuing our campaign to scrap Voter ID.

Please help our campaign by clicking an action below.