Independence of UK elections watchdog at risk


19th November 2021

EMBARGO: Immediate

Contact Tom Brake: 07958 536377

Unlock Democracy are calling on the Prime Minister to drop Government plans to scrap the independence of the UK’s election watchdog, the Electoral Commission.

Whilst the Government has been forced to think again about its plan to end independent scrutiny and policing of MPs’ behaviour, it is pressing ahead with a proposal to end independent scrutiny and policing of our elections.

The Government’s Elections Bill, which has already completed its Committee Stage in the House of Commons, contains measures that will allow the Government to set the strategy and policy of the Electoral Commission.

Currently the Electoral Commission, which is directly accountable to Parliament, determines its own strategy and policy.  That power would be shifted into the hands of Michael Gove, as the Secretary of State responsible for elections.

This move turns the previously independent Electoral Commission into a political football or even a weapon. Mr Gove and future Secretary of States would have extraordinary power to determine how elections are policed with no independent oversight at all. 

A Conservative Government might tell the Electoral Commission to focus its scrutiny on organisations that fund Labour, such as trade unions. A Labour Government might tell the Commission to focus its efforts on big money Conservative donors.

Tom Brake, Director of Unlock Democracy said: “Two weeks ago the Government was caught red handed trying to silence the independent watchdogs that police the behaviour of MPs. That led to huge public outcry and a screeching u-turn. 

“But they are still pressing ahead with an almost identical plan to destroy the independence of the Electoral Commission that polices UK elections.”

“Allowing the Government of the day to direct the activities of the elections watchdog is an extraordinarily dangerous move for democracy.  It’s the equivalent of allowing one football team manager to impose their preferred match rules on the referee. Even if the current Government doesn’t abuse this power, who is to say that future governments won’t?”

Opposition to the Government’s Elections Bill is growing across the political spectrum. Over a dozen democracy organisations have formed a coalition to lead the opposition on this attack on democracy.

Former Conservative MP Dominic Grieve, writing in the Times this week, said this about the Government's plan to set the priorities for the Electoral Commission: “The body created to be responsible for ensuring free and fair elections cannot by definition do so if the governing party has a hand in how it is run.”

Earlier this year, the Chair of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, Lord Evans likened the Government’s plan to giving a toddler a gun - it may not immediately lead to disaster, but it's an extremely dangerous thing to do.

Unlock Democracy Director Tom Brake added: “The Government should learn from the reaction to its attempt to undermine independent scrutiny of MPs. Independent scrutiny and policing of elections is even more important. That’s why I’ve written to the Prime Minister today asking him to drop these dangerous and undemocratic plans.”


Contact details:
Tom Brake, Director of Unlock Democracy
Tel 07958 536377

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