The Elections Bill: what we know so far

Details are continuing to emerge about the Government’s newly renamed Elections Bill (it was originally called the ‘Electoral Integrity’ Bill. It seems that name was also used by the Republicans in Georgia for their controversial voter suppression bill!).

The most recent additions are:

  • Ending the independence of the Electoral Commission - the Commission will have its priorities set by a Conservative-dominated committee of MPs

  • Taking away the Electoral Commission’s power to propose criminal prosecutions for serious wrongdoing

These proposals are the culmination of years of attacks by the Conservative Party on the Electoral Commission. These changes will make the Electoral Commission answerable to the very people they are supposing to be investigating. 

With the election watchdog effectively muzzled, we could see far more rule-breaking by political parties and campaigns moving forward. It’s the kind of move you expect to see in a banana republic, not one of the world’s oldest democracies.

If you believe that the Electoral Commission should stay independent, you can support our campaign by clicking below.

The proposals to neuter the Electoral Commission join a growing list of proposals in the forthcoming bill. The areas that currently concern us the most include:

  • Dropping more proportional voting systems from English elections.  Mayoral, GLA and Police Commissioner elections will all be held using First Past The Post.

  • Expensive mandatory photo ID at polling stations - despite 3.5 million people not having photo ID and there being no evidence of electoral fraud.

  • Ending the Fixed-term Parliaments Act - taking the power to call a General Election away from Parliament and giving it to the Prime Minister.

Every step mentioned above looks as if it's geared to help the Conservative Party increase its grip on power. There’s little doubt that the final Elections Bill, when it is released, will inflict further damage to our democracy.

We will fight it every step of the way.

You can add your name in support of our campaign below.

More reading on this issue

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