Our first in-person event of 2021

Our first in-person event of 2021 saw Councillors and the public come together on Tuesday at St Edmund Hall College in Oxford to discuss why the Government must devolve more power and funding to local communities. 

Catherine Bearder, Council member of Unlock Democracy and host of the event said, “Up and down the country, during the pandemic, local Councils are playing a critical role, supporting vulnerable residents, ensuring high streets are covid-safe and distributing millions of pounds to local businesses to keep them afloat.  Councils rolled up their sleeves and made a difference. To represent local communities more effectively, Councils need more powers and financial autonomy not less.”

The keynote speaker at the event was Professor Arianna Giovannini from De Montfort university, who wrote Unlock Democracy’s report: 'Local Government in England - 40 Years of Decline'. In her comments she highlighted the serious erosion of local government over the last 40 years and the “centralisation on steroids” which has left England one of the most centralised countries in the world.

The meeting also heard from the leader of Oxfordshire Council, Lib Dem Councillor Liz Leffman, who said that “The work of local councils in our communities has been undermined by successive governments of all flavours and yet the demand for local support continues to increase.”

Other speakers included Labour Councillor and Deputy Leader Liz Brighouse and Green Councillor Robin Bennett.  Many of the speakers focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and how this had highlighted the important role of local councils.

The discussion confirmed what many of us already knew: more decisions should be taken in town halls, not by Ministers in Whitehall.

A top-down, one-size fits all approach does not work.

Councils understand their local areas better than central government does. So we need to give local councils the power to make decisions and respond to local needs. 

Reviving local government will bring power back to the people.

To support our campaign and help turn the tide, please sign the petition today.

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