Unlock Democracy

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Scandal after scandal

This Government has been plagued with scandal after scandal.

Last year, the Prime Minister faced an investigation into his reporting of donations provided for the refurbishment of his Downing Street flat. It was later revealed that he withheld crucial evidence from Lord Geidt’s inquiry. 

Now, the Prime Minister is under fire for attending social gatherings in 10 Downing Street which potentially broke Covid-19 regulations.

These constant controversies make accountability and transparency feel like old-fashioned ideals.

We asked our supporters for their views and received over 3,700 responses to our survey. 

Our supporters suspect that the Prime Minister will escape accountability for his wrongdoings. 67% of the survey’s respondents believe that the Prime Minister is not likely to be held accountable for his actions.

On ‘wallpaper gate’, 92% of our supporters think that Lord Geidt was wrong to clear the Prime Minister from breaking the Ministerial Code over the refurbishment of his Downing Street Flat. 

We asked our supporters to describe the Prime Minister’s attempts to secure funds to improve the Downing Street flat, here’s what some of them said - 

  • “Corrupt, deceitful, and against the spirit of democracy.”

  • “Dishonest. Trying to make the most of his position of power to gain personal financial advantage in exchange for favours.”

  • “Questionable at best, underhand bordering on corrupt at worst.”

Word cloud of answers to ‘How would you describe the Prime Minister’s attempts to secure funds to improve the Downing Street flat?’

On ‘partygate’, 75% of our supporters believe it is very unlikely that members of the Government obeyed the laws that were in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19. 

However, our supporters doubt that anyone will be held to account for this. 78% said it is not likely that any Government members will face significant repercussions for any rule breaches.

So, what’s the solution here? How can we ensure that accountability exists within our political system?

97% of our supporters want the role of independent advisor of Ministerial Standards to be strengthened.

This is why securing a written constitution is vital. A written constitution could establish and protect an independent body that would enforce Ministerial standards and punish wrongdoers. 

This would end the farcical situation we are in - where the Prime Minister can act as judge, jury and (absent) executioner for his own wrongdoings.