A low point for trust in politics

It’s been a chaotic week in British politics.

Boris Johnson was forced to resign as Prime Minister after a flurry of ministerial resignations left him unable to govern. 

He remains as Prime Minister until the Conservative Party elect their new leader. 

For years to come, there will be vociferous and partisan debate about Boris Johnson's legacy. 

But one thing is for sure - the public’s trust in politics hit a low point during his premiership. 

Lies, law-breaking and scandals dominated the newspaper headlines for months on end. So it’s no surprise that the public feel disillusioned with the people running our country.

Could this be the turning point for trust in our politics?

Our hope is that the next Prime Minister will bring back honesty and integrity to the heart of Government. 

We asked our supporters what they expect from the next Prime Minister, and we received over 1,500 responses.

Half of our supporters said they were not sure whether the next Prime Minister will reinstate the checks and balances dismantled by Boris Johnson and just over a third believe the next PM definitely won't. Only 15% of our supporters are hopeful that the checks and balances will be restored.

So far, several candidates in the Conservative leadership election have pledged to restore trust and integrity in our politics. 

There are simple steps they must take.

For example, the next Prime Minister could appoint an independent ethics advisor after Johnson failed to replace Lord Geidt following his resignation.

The new PM could allow their ethics advisor to initiate their own inquiries.

We asked our supporters which political reforms are the most important to stop a future Prime Minister behaving in the way Boris Johnson has. Our supporters said we need a new electoral system, a written constitution and an independent committee to uphold standards.

Together, these reforms could force our new Prime Minister to play by the rule book and deliver real accountability. 

It’s time we got rid of our inadequate and outdated political system.

Please help us by becoming a member today.

Shaun RobertsComment