A constitutional convention for the UK?

A new initiative has launched (5 November) that is tasked with modernising the arcane workings of Westminster and how the people influence it. The ‘Up to Us’ coalition, which includes Unlock Democracy, is bringing together a range of campaigners and organisations to call for a special assembly of the people - in a constitutional convention - to renew our democracy. 

What is a constitutional convention?

In the UK, an organisation called Citizens’ Convention on UK Democracy (CCUK), have researched in detail how a constitutional convention would work in practice. It is calling on politicians to back a big national conversation that reshapes the way we do politics.

CCUK wants to run a constitutional convention that discusses big changes to the political system. They are proposing an assembly of members of the public, selected like a jury, but balanced for political and demographic difference, to deliberate on what the key reforms needed are to rebuild trust and engagement in the British political system. They would be given the time, resources, and access to experts to give serious consideration to issues like the voting system, the makeup of the House of Lords, and how politics should be paid for. 

The hope is that a process like this would address the deep disenchantment with the status quo. Right now, 63% of people think the system is rigged in favour of the rich and powerful, while 47% feel they have no influence at all over the decisions the UK government make. 

Rebuilding the political system cannot be left to politicians - the public need to have a role. That’s why while CCUK have proposed discussions on topics like the House of Lords, the voting system and how politics is paid for. But space is also being left for the convention members to pick their own priorities. 

What model could work?

The model CCUK is proposing is just one of many ways that you could run a constitutional convention. The model they are proposing is made up of 5 main stages:

  • a UK-wide conversation to highlight key values and priorities

  • a prioritisation convention to agree on key challenges

  • thematic assemblies to examine challenges and draw up recommendations

  • a UK summit to ratify recommendations and resolve questions

  • leading to the last stage of a Citizens’ Convention, which may involve a process of formal adoption through a vote in parliament or a referendum.  

If you’re intrigued, you can check out the full CCUK manual here.

A process for radical change 

In a political environment where we’re told our only role is to vote every few years, directly engaging the public in redesigning our democracy is a radical step. 

But politicians have no incentive to change a system which grants them so much unaccountable power. The only way we can win this radical process is to excite millions of people with a vision of deeper democracy that improves all of our lives.

Unlock Democracy is campaigning to do just that, so get involved today and add your voice to the call for a new constitution.

This was written by Sam, Unlock Democracy’s Campaigns Officer


It's up to us


New government, same system?