EVENT: #DemocracyGathering 2020


Winning the new world - building a radically democratic society after lockdown

Everything will change after the lockdown. What change looks like depends on what we all do right now. Will society after Covid-19 accelerate injustice and inequality, or be a lighting rod for the radical change society desperately needs?

Crises - from ecological breakdown to the future of the NHS - are getting more serious because of the lack of real democracy at the heart of our political system. Political elites have been pursuing policies that mainly benefit the privileged few, while the rest of us have few ways to hold central government to account.

We can stop the powerful interests using this crisis to accelerate attacks on our rights and environment - if we unite to campaign for a radical new democratic settlement.

Over one week, we’ll be running 5 online sessions about how Covid-19 is changing our democracy and affecting the urgent issues of our time. Join us and expert speakers to explore the state of our democracy, then we can face the future together and campaign for it to be a democratic one. 

Sessions include:

  • The war on democracy: How have governments exploited the pandemic to crack down on rights and freedoms? With Adam Ramsay, openDemocracy

  • The hostile environment and public health: Can the current crisis be a turning point for migrant justice? WIth Minnie Rahman, JCWI

  • How do we win a Green New Deal after the lockdown? With Dani Paffard, Green New Deal UK

  • Will Covid-19 protect the NHS from a Trump trade deal, or accelerate the move to a US style healthcare system? With Nick Dearden, Global Justice Now.

  • Democracy after lockdown: How can we build a radically democratic future? With Hilary Wainwright, Red Pepper, and others.

By registering, you'll receive details of when each session is and how to take part online.

Tom BrakeComment