NEW launch: Resources Hub

Trudie Kee, Unlock Democracy


To win a real democracy, we're going to need a movement: a large group of people who are prepared to take action together to demand a better system.

A lot of different things go into building a movement. But one of the first things we need to do is get educated.

Before we can grow a movement of people dedicated to starting a democratic revolution in the UK, we need to build a common understanding of how the system is broken and where we need to go from here.

That's why we're proud to announce our new Resources Hub, designed to help you grow and spread your knowledge of the system, so you're ready to change it. Check out the Resources Hub below! 


We all know that our political system is not truly democratic. It's remote and unaccountable to the people it serves.

But to fight it, we need to define what it is we want to change, and what we mean by democracy. The first part of our Resources Hub is live right now. It explains what we mean by democracy, what a constitution is, and where 'our constitution' is at right now.

The second part of the Resources Hub will be released in June, and will give you the tools you need to speak to your friends and family, go out into your community, and spread the word.

Together, we can build the shared understanding of our broken system that will form the foundations of our growing movement. To start with, why not check out the first part of our Resources Hub by clicking below? 

Thanks so much for being with us at this exciting time. If you have any feedback you want to share with us, feel free to get in touch with at info[@]

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