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The Withdrawal Bill kicks off in committee stage
As the EU (Withdrawal) Bill heads to Committee Stage in the House of Commons, Malene Bratlie from the Repeal Bill Alliance explains what Committee Stage is and what we can expect.
The European Union (Withdrawal) Bill: Where are we now?
The European Union (Withdrawal) Bill, more commonly known as the Repeal Bill, has passed its first major test in the parliamentary process at its Second Reading. The bill will be one of the most constitutionally transformative pieces of legislation to emerge since Brexit and aims to establish legal consistency when the UK has left the EU.
Writing Parliament out of the legislative process
The European Union (Withdrawal) Bill, more commonly known as the Repeal Bill, is the first major piece of Brexit legislation to go before Parliament. The bill proposes to hand sweeping powers to ministers to allow them to make changes to laws. This would sideline both Parliament and the devolved nations from policymaking, further centralising power in the hands of the executive.
Allying with civil society to fix the Repeal Bill
Unlock Democracy has joined with over 70 organisations from across civil society to call on the government to seriously rethink its approach. If Brexit is about taking back control, then it simply can’t mean undertaking a transfer of unaccountable powers to the executive.
Summer reading list
The Repeal Bill - the first major piece of Brexit legislation - will go before the House of Commons for a second reading. Now is therefore the time to get in the know about what is going to be one of the most constitutionally significant pieces of legislation in the UK’s history.
The Repeal Bill: Our first impressions
Yesterday the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill (or as we have come to know it “the Repeal Bill”) was published. This is one of the most broad and constitutionally significant bills to go through Parliament and will have massive ramifications for us all, and future generations. We’re still going through the fine print but here are our initial thoughts.