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Uncategorized Sam Coates Uncategorized Sam Coates

5 hopes for 2018

Just before Christmas we shared the biggest political scandals of 2017, and what a list to choose from! Now, as we prepare for the year ahead, here’s 5 of our hopes for the change 2018 can bring.

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Democratic Brexit Sam Coates Democratic Brexit Sam Coates

Withdrawal Bill: Amendment 7 Mythbuster

In the wake of the government’s major defeat on the EU (Withdrawal) Bill, many myths have arisen that have wrongly attributed both motivations for why Parliament made the decision it did, and what the consequences of that decision are. We thought we’d shed some light on what is actually going on and clear up the main myths that have come out of the debates.

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Democratic Brexit Sam Coates Democratic Brexit Sam Coates

Why a vote on the final deal matters

A debate which saw the government defeated for the first time on the EU (Withdrawal) Bill saw an engaging and thoughtful discussion amongst MPs that raised a number of questions, like: where should decisions making lie? What does a ‘meaningful’ vote look like? What should the balance of power be the between Parliament and Government?

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Uncategorized Sam Coates Uncategorized Sam Coates

The 10 scandals of Christmas

In terms of politics, 2017 has been a bumper year for scandals. We think the abundance of scandals is a fair indicator of whether or not our political system is working well. So we thought we’d reflect on the biggest blunders and disreputable deeds of the last twelve months.

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Follow The Money Sam Coates Follow The Money Sam Coates

Paradise Papers and Lord Ashcroft: A fault of the system or a result of it?

The Paradise Papers have shown that the elites aren’t contributing their fair share to society by avoiding taxation through different (legal and illegal) mechanisms. The UK government has failed once again to tackle this important problem. In a time in which whilst cuts and austerity hit harder the most vulnerable in our societies, we need to ask ourselves: why?

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House of Lords reform: A piecemeal solution to a seismic issue is not good enough

The Lord Speaker’s Committee on the size of the House of Lords recently published a report on its findings and recommendations. While the report proposes long-needed reforms and is a step in the right direction, it only offers a piecemeal approach to reforming the second chamber rather than offering the radical, wholesale solutions we need to make the chamber fit for a twenty-first-century democracy.

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