Fix the system
Replace our broken voting system
Our voting system has failed us for decades, but July's General Election showed just how broken it really is.
A landslide majority was won on only 34% of votes - the most disproportionate result in our history.
We are calling for a National Commission on Electoral Reform. The Commission should recommend a new voting system for a modern Britain where votes cast match seats won.
Reform the House of Lords
The House of Lords has no place in a modern democracy. It has ballooned up to around 800 members and is stuffed with party donors and political cronies.
As an unelected body, the House of Lords lacks the democratic legitimacy it needs to challenge and scrutinise legislation.
Abolishing hereditary peers is not enough. We need an elected or part-elected second chamber that represents the people.
Devolve power
The power and autonomy of local government in the UK has been eroded, leaving the UK more centralised than nearly every other OECD country.
More decisions should be taken in town halls, not Whitehall. Councils understand their local areas better than central government and should have the power to respond to local needs.
Read our report on how the Government can give 'Power to the People'.