Constitution Amendment 1 - Ordering of candidates’ names on ballot papers

Proposer: Stephen Gosling

Seconder: Catherine Bearder

Clause B 2.5 was written at a time when electronic balloting systems were not available. Electronic balloting systems can randomly sort candidates’ names on the electronic ballot papers that are sent out to members. This means candidates with names at the beginning of the alphabet no longer have a slight advantage.

The line in the constitution that is going to be changed is in red below and will be changed to the line in green.

Current clause

B 2.5. Voting papers, a copy of the candidates' election statements, a method by which the member can submit their vote without cost, and notification of the close of poll shall be sent to all members within 21 days of the close of nominations, which will be 14 days after the opening of nominations. Information supplied by candidates about their ethnicity and gender will be included in the members’ ballot pack. Candidates' election addresses will be listed in a reverse of the order on the ballot paper, however an alphabetic index will be provided.

Amended clause

B 2.5. Voting papers, a copy of the candidates' election statements, a method by which the member can submit their vote without cost, and notification of the close of poll shall be sent to all members within 21 days of the close of nominations, which will be 14 days after the opening of nominations. Information supplied by candidates about their ethnicity and gender will be included in the members’ ballot pack. Candidates' names will be randomly listed in the ballots sent out to members.


Policy Motion 1: Working with the Modernisation Committee