Policy Motion 1: Working with the Modernisation Committee

Proposer: Richard Wood

Seconder: Rebecca Warren

The AGM notes:

The Government has revived the House of Commons Modernisation Committee. This is a cross-party committee of MPs that will consider 'reforms to House of Commons procedures, standards, and working practices'.

The Committee's remit overlaps with aspects of Unlock Democracy's 'Cleaning Up Politics' campaign, such as setting limits on MPs' second jobs and establishing a job description for MPs. Cleaning up politics was ranked as Unlock Democracy's second most important campaign by supporters in the 2023 Annual Survey.

Unlock Democracy has started establishing a relationship with the Committee. Director Tom Brake questioned the Committee's chair, Lucy Powell MP, at the Labour Party Conference about the Committee's work on MPs' second jobs.

The Committee has agreed to circulate our paper on MPs second jobs, and has invited us to respond to their call for views from stakeholders later in the year.

The AGM welcomes that:

  • Unlock Democracy has identified this Committee as important for achieving many of our campaign goals

  • Unlock Democracy has begun building a relationship with the Committee

  • Unlock Democracy has compiled a list of campaign asks for the Modernisation Committee to consider

The AGM calls on Unlock Democracy:

  • To respond to the Committee's consultation with stakeholders

  • To get in touch with MPs on the Committee with suggestions for improving the House of Commons’ procedures and standards

  • To involve Unlock Democracy's members and supporters in efforts to influence the Committee

  • To work with other organisations in the democracy sector, where beneficial, to influence the Committee


Constitution Amendment 1 - Ordering of candidates’ names on ballot papers