
Unlock Democracy is part of a coalition of the UK’s leading democracy organisations which has declared Democracy Day (5 November) to demand that the two main political parties put democracy on the agenda[1]. The coalition is being led by the Electoral Reform Society, and includes Make Votes Matter, Compass, and Shout Out UK.

Over decades more and more people have come to feel that they aren’t being represented by the UK’s political system, and that they have no influence over it. The Hansard Society’s 2019 Audit of Political Engagement found that 77% of people believed that the UK’s system of governing needed ‘quite a lot’ or ‘a great deal of’ improvement. A further 50% of people felt that politicians didn’t care about what people like them think, and 47% felt that they had no influence over national decision-making.[2]

Another commonly held belief is that the UK’s political system is rigged to serve the rich and powerful - which is something that 63% of the public believe[3]. This should perhaps come as no surprise, when the super-rich are able to spend millions to gain exclusive access to the most highly influential politicians - including the Prime Minister.[4]

While the elite benefit from the UK’s pay-to-play political system that grants those with generous cheque books access and influence, the majority of us lack a real say. Analysis by the Electoral Reform Society found that nearly 200 seats haven’t changed hands since World War II, pointing out that 14 million voters are trapped in ‘one party fiefdoms’.[5]

The UK’s archaic political system has alienated and disenfranchised millions of people, and shown that it’s not fit to fight the most pressing challenges facing society today, like the climate crisis. The majority of people are locked out from having a real say, but those with deep pockets can buy a seat at the table.

The December 2019 general election will result in a new government being formed. But we will be stuck with the same rigged and rotten political system that concentrates too much power in the hands of too few people. Time and time again we see politicians only ever tinkering at the edges with piecemeal reforms, while leaving in place a system that they benefit from but which disenfranchises and alienates millions.

This Democracy Day we are calling for a constitutional convention that will give the people the power to decide what political system we should have. This convention would put decisions about our collective future right where they belong – in our hands.

Constitutional convention petition 4.png


The fight of our lives


Joint statement: National Voter Registration Day