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Time to call time on lying with impunity in Parliament
It cannot be impossible for one of the longest standing democracies in the world to find a way of tackling such behaviour.
Guest post: Last push to defend our right to protest
Grace Da Costa updates us on the campaign against the Policing Bill, and suggests actions we can take to defend the right to protest.
Scandal after scandal
This Government has been plagued with scandal after scandal. Last year, the Prime Minister faced an investigation into his reporting of donations provided for the refurbishment of his Downing Street flat. It was later revealed that he withheld crucial evidence from Lord Geidt’s inquiry.
A win for our right to protest
The House of Lords dealt a serious blow to the Government’s Police, Crime, Courts and Sentencing Bill last Monday. They stayed late into the evening to defeat the Government on fourteen amendments to the draconian anti-protest bill.
On the road to a ‘Papers Please’ society
In December, Boris Johnson suffered a huge Conservative rebellion. Nearly one hundred Conservative MPs voted against introducing Covid vaccination certificates for large venues in England.
Guest post: We need another Great Reform Act!
First-Past-the-Post deeply influences UK politics and Government. To challenge it, we must understand where it came from.
Campaign win on House of Lords standards
Working with Open Democracy, we’ve secured changes to tighten the rules on the business interests of peers
Is British politics corrupt?
Our members and supporters tell us what they think in our latest survey.
The State of our Democracy
The UK has a particularly confrontational - winner takes all - style of politics. We have to change that.
Greensill inquiry echoes Unlock Democracy’s call for greater accountability
The Greensill scandal made it clear that a coach and horses had been driven through the sketchy rules that cover ministers and lobbying activities. Nigel Boardman, appointed by the Government to investigate this scandal, recently published the second part of his report. It contained hard-hitting recommendations on how to promote transparency around the communications that Ministers have with lobbyists. Many of them sounded very familiar!
Two elections, two radically different voting systems and two contrasting results
The 2021 Canadian federal election has shone a spotlight on the flaws of the First Past the Post voting system. In Canada’s election, the First Past the Post system meant that the seats won by each party in Canada’s Parliament do not even vaguely reflect the vote share. The Liberal Party got 32.6% of the vote, but won 47% of the seats in Parliament.
“Like giving a toddler a gun”
Lord Evans, Chair of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, has given the starkest warning yet on the Government’s plans for the Electoral Commission. The Elections Bill, which is having its 2nd reading in the House of Commons today, will end the independence of the UK’s election watchdog. In future, the Electoral Commission will have its strategy and priorities set by a Government Minister and its work will be overseen by the Speaker’s Committee, which also has an unprecedented, convention-breaching Government majority.
Time for the lobbying rules to be changed
The row about David Cameron’s lobbying activities has grabbed newspaper headlines for months. An MPs’ report accused Mr Cameron of ‘a significant lack of judgement’ in lobbying the government on behalf of Greensill Capital. Documents obtained by BBC Panorama suggest Mr Cameron made over £3million for his efforts on behalf of the company.
The maddening state of our political system
When Dawn Butler MP was ejected from the House of Commons last month for calling the Prime Minister a liar, it exposed just how ridiculous our political system is.
It is clear that on a number of occasions, in debates in Parliament, the Prime Minister has not told the truth. It is also clear that the rules of the House bar MPs from calling other MPs liars. Our political system has a penalty for the latter offence, but seemingly, not for the first.
Peers in the House of Lords breaking rules on transparency
Peers in the House of Lords are failing to follow even the most simple rules on transparency and accountability.
Unlock Democracy has written to the Lord’s Commissioner for Standards to report the names of 40 peers who we believe are breaking transparency rules.
Double jobbing has to stop
The pipeline of lobbying scandals and possible wrong-doing flows unabated: an ex-PM ringing round Ministerial chums to promote Greensill, a senior Minister deleting Greensill-related government messages held in a private application, an MP on several select committees briefing businesses ahead of their appearances in front of select committees, an ex-Chancellor promoting his business with senior civil servants.
Our first in-person event of 2021
Our first in-person event of 2021 saw Councillors and the public come together on Tuesday at St Edmund Hall College in Oxford to discuss why the Government must devolve more power and funding to local communities.