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Shaun Roberts Shaun Roberts

Report: Register Every Voter

New report: Register Every Voter: How Automatic Voter Registration can bring the forgotten millions back into our democracy by Toby S. James Electoral registers are the bedrock of electoral and democratic processes. They are the definitive list of who can vote in an election.

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Shaun Roberts Shaun Roberts

Would Brexit have panned out differently under PR? A.C. Grayling makes the case

No system is perfect, but a proportional electoral system takes account of the fact that every society is a congeries of diverse minorities and individuals, all of whom deserve an equal voice, and that government should not be party-political but should combine the most salient interests from across society in the service of all society. A guest blog by A.C. Grayling.

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Shaun Roberts Shaun Roberts

One Vision, Three Documents: Comparing the Constitutions of the US, France, and Norway

Very few texts are more important for understanding democracy and the rule of law than national constitutions. The constitutions of France, Norway, and the United States can all be used as examples to show how these nations, despite having extremely dissimilar histories, cultures, and political systems, nonetheless share many features with one another. By comparing and analysing various constitutions, I aim to uncover insights into the workings of democratic societies, gain a broader perspective on democratic principles and practices, and inform efforts to strengthen and improve democracies worldwide.

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Shaun Roberts Shaun Roberts

Labour's attack ad targetting the Prime Minister

Labour faced backlash this month for their attack ad targetting the Prime Minister. The ad asked - “Do you think adults convicted of sexually assaulting children should go to prison? Rishi Sunak doesn’t.”

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