Deborah Manzoori

Why you should vote for a middle aged woman (Me)!

A big thank you first of all! 

Hope is still alive that we can change democracy for the better. The work of Unlock Democracy is vital  in raising awareness and campaigning for change. My vote has never elected an MP or local councillor  because of the FPTP system. I still hope to see the day when my vote counts. Thank you for keeping this  hope alive.  

I am a retired (54yo) Licensed Insolvency Practitioner and sat on the Board of the Regulatory Body, the  Insolvency Practitioners Association. I spent a lot of time responding to Government consultations on  changes in the law and dealing with Government departments. I have 3 BA (Hons), one of which is in  Politics and Government. I have lived in the UK, India (3 years) and Singapore (3 years). I have seen how  elections and electoral systems work in practice in both countries. Some good aspects and some truly  appalling aspects. I currently volunteer 3 days a week with a church group of vulnerable, old and/or  disabled adults.  

I want to see every vote count. It is not good enough that MPs and Councillors are elected by the  minority of voters. It is not good enough that we don’t have an elected second chamber or a written  constitution. Government cannot operate like a Gentleman’s Club anymore.  

I have never been a member of a political party or trade union. I have always voted tactically against  the Tories.  

I hope my experience will be useful to Unlock Democracy.



Catherine Bearder


Mary Southcott