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What has over-centralisation meant for the pandemic response?
The pandemic show cases the disaster of over-centralisation.
Statues and Limitations: democracy and the fall of Edward Colston
Was the removal of the Edward Colston statue in Bristol ‘democratic’? We think so.
Five things we learned from the #DemocracyGathering
Five things we took away from our Democracy Gathering event series.
Covid-19 exposes unavoidable conflicts facing our democracy
We need to talk about the tensions that run through our democracy
Covid-19 listening survey: the full report
In full: what you told us about Covid-19, community, and democracy
4 Things I Learned About Covid-19 And Our Democracy
You spoke, we listened. Here’s what we learned.
Is returning to business-as-usual really an option?
Do we try to go back to business-as-usual, or rebuild a system that’s better?
What's the new normal for democracy going to be?
What would a better normal look like? What would a better democracy be?
Everything has changed - including our democracy
Democracy in Times of Crisis - Part 3: Everything has changed - including our democracy
Help us campaign for a better democracy
Stand for our elected council in June to campaign for democratic change
Navigating crisis - A choice of two paths?
Democracy in Times of Crisis - Part 2: A Choice of Two Paths?
Emergency powers in times of crisis
Democracy in Times of Crisis - Part 1: Emergency Powers
Turbulence ahead for democracy?
What does the third runway ruling have to do with democracy?
5 Lessons from the Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland
What can we learn from the Citizens’ Assembly on Scotland?